How to Create a Pinterest Account for Your Las Vegas Business
  1. 1
    Go to

    When you click the link, you will be redirected to the landing page of Pinterest Business. Choose “Sign up” at the upper right corner of the screen. You can also download Pinterest’s mobile app to access your account conveniently even when you are on the go.

    How to Create a Pinterest Account for your Las Vegas Business

  2. 2
    Set up your account

    Choose your country and preferred language. Options can be seen by clicking the drop down arrow located at the rightmost part of each cell. Click “Next” when done.

    How to Create a Pinterest Account for your Las Vegas Business

  3. 3
    Introduce your brand

    Make sure that the business name you input in Pinterest is consistent with the ones you use on your website and other social media platforms. You would want to achieve brand awareness, recall, and recognition. One of the best ways to do such is to be consistent in displaying how you want people to know you.

    Type in your business name at the topmost bar. When done, choose the type of business where you belong by clicking to the circle on the left of the text. Click “Next” to proceed.

    How to Create a Pinterest Account for your Las Vegas Business

  4. 4
    Link your website

    Drive more traffic to your website by linking it to your Pinterest account. Doing so will also help you establish legitimacy when people see that you have a site they can refer to.

    How to Create a Pinterest Account for your Las Vegas Business

  5. 5
    Extend your connections

    Just like your website, it would be best if you link your other social media accounts as well.

    How to Create a Pinterest Account for your Las Vegas Business

  6. 6
    Make your business known

    Advertising is also a good way to boost your visibility to existing Pinterest users. It offers businesses options by gauging their interest for advertising by the choices shown in this section. Choose one by clicking the circle on the left side of each option.

    How to Create a Pinterest Account for your Las Vegas Business

  7. 7
    Find your niche

    Choose at least one among the categories where you think your business is involved. This will allow Pinterest to match your pins to those preferred by individual users. Click “Done”.

    How to Create a Pinterest Account for your Las Vegas Business

  8. 8
    Get your handy button

    If you would like to visit the site without having the need to type in the link to your search bar, Pinterest offers a shortcut browser button. This can be done by clicking “Get it now” and if you decide not to, click “Skip”. Your Pinterest Business account is settled!

    How to Create a Pinterest Account for your Las Vegas Business


  9. 9
    Upload a profile photo

    To complete your profile, upload a profile picture. You may choose to put the logo of your business or the main product that you offer. This way, people can immediately feel connected with your business. This can be done by clicking “Change” and choosing a photo from your files. Make sure to click “Done” after doing so to save any changes. 

    How to Create a Pinterest Account for your Las Vegas Business

  10. 10
    Publish your first pin!

    Use a vertical, high definition image with an aspect ratio of 2:3. This typically works best when creating a pin. Including a destination link when users click the image is also useful. You can use your website as the link to redirect them to engage them further to your brand.

    How to Create a Pinterest Account for your Las Vegas Business


    Now that you have learned how to create a Pinterest account for your Las Vegas business, you might be interested to check out some of the related articles below:

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