What is Company Culture?
A Company/Organization Culture is the set of assumptions and beliefs, norms, traditions, and activities that the company practices to attain its objectives.
Here are some tips on how to have a sound company culture for your Las Vegas business:
1. Practice MBWA (Management by Walking Around)
Managers must always be present. Most notably at times when employees needed them the most. Managers should supervise them and answer their queries. Also, through practicing MBWA, managers can relate and see how it feels like to be part of the non-managerial level.
2. Always praise your employees for a job well done
By commending your employees, they will feel a sense of belongingness in the organization. It is true that when the higher-ups praise their employees for a great job, employees will often feel job satisfaction contentment. Appreciating them will also increase their work efficiency and effectivity due to increased motivation as well. Efficient and effective employees will help you run your Las Vegas business smoothly.
3. Maintain a good camaraderie among organization members
Harmonious relationship within the company prevents members from having conflicts. Conflicts can be a threat to the company’s goal since it can shatter the unity among members. Uniformity of goals and fundamental values in the organization is a must for the company to prosper.
4. Educate and train your employees
If you teach and educate your employees about their job description and assignment, you are creating a clear path for them. Through training and development, you are enhancing their confidence, skills, and connection with the company. Employees will not feel alienated in the company. Part of the company’s annual budget must go to training and development. They deserve to have a continuous education since they are the lifeline of the organization.
5. Practice GGSR (Good Governance and Social Responsibility)
Having a sound organizational culture does not only mean improving the intrinsic or internal aspects of the company but also by doing good things externally. The company must first abide by all the business laws required within the country or location that your business location is as well as to the countries your business is also operating.
Next, your Las Vegas business must give value to suppliers and business partners so that, you will gain a good lasting relationship.
Then, we must take note of the CSR or Corporate Social Responsibility. For example, the act of donating to charities or by going eco-friendly.
6. Unbiased Mission and Vision (culture, religion, and beliefs)
The company’s mission and vision must apply to all. It must respect all beliefs, values, culture, and religious standing of each of your employees. Take note that the vision statement of the company is dynamic so that the organization will not be stagnant and shall prosper through the years.
7. Schedule a monthly open forum and meeting
Putting transparency and openness as top priorities of the company prevents anyone from hiding malicious secrets, grudges, and self-interests that may destroy the flow of the company.
Being open to each other means avoiding to have hidden agendas. Through this, the members of the organization have the chance to practice closeness with one another.
8. Have a clear job description
By having a more accurate explanation of each job prevents overlapping and duplication of work. If the company has a poor employee job description, the efficiency of the office work may be at stake as well as the company’s resources. The unclear description will also give the members a hazy view of what their assignment truly is.
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Examples of Company Culture
1. Stories
Stories are narratives of a significant event or people. The company’s history and success story can be some of the examples of stories that could serve as the pillar of the company. These stories serve as a guide to the members on how to handle and maneuver the business to success. These can also be the hardships that the company has gone through to reach its goals. Through this, they will treasure and value the company more.
2. Rituals
Repetitive sequence activities to reinforce the fundamental values and goals of the company make up rituals. They can also strengthen the bond between employer and employee. It could also serve as a recreation among members of the company. Examples are team building, birthday bash or greetings for employees, Christmas party, annual training, seminars, and conventions.
3. Language
Language is the set of terms that are only applicable to company divisions and departments or the company as a whole. These are the jargons used within the company— words that only the people within understand. These terms and ways of communicating that make the companies unique from each other.
4. Materials, artifacts, or symbols
Materials, artifacts, or symbols describe all the tangible things inside the company. These also tell the people inside of who holds power and authority. And, at the same time, the behaviors that are acceptable or not when dealing with other people. Examples are uniform, tables, and desks, the company logo, and other things inside that make the identity of the company and its members.