Business owners highly consider establishing their companies in Nevada because the state does not have a personal income tax. Majority of Nevada businesses require a license to operate. In general, this includes a State Business License (SBL) from the Nevada Secretary of State (SOS). When you have a small business, you have to renew this license annually and file an annual report with the state.
The filing and payment of the State Business License in Nevada are under the office of the Secretary of State. All businesses, including sole proprietorship, partnerships, and others not required to organize must file a new application or renew their State Business License.
Businesses exempted from getting a state business license must file for a Declaration of Eligibility for Exemption along with initial and annual list through the SOS. Exempted businesses include non-profit entities and Corporations Sole pursuant to NRS Chapters 82 and 84, respectively.
Filing for a Nevada State Business License may be done online. Sign up for an account via SilverFlume.
Sole proprietorship, general partnerships, and other non-title 7 licenses use the same form. This can be found at
Type of License Filing
Check the appropriate box. If you are filing as a new business, choose checkbox for Registration. If you are filing for renewal, tick the box for Renewal. You must also choose the type of State Business License you are applying for.
Name of Applicant
Enter your complete name on the form. If you are applying as a sole proprietor, you can include your spouse’s name only if your spouse’s name will appear on the license. Otherwise, leave it blank. You must also supply the name of your partner, for general partnerships.
Sign the form. Your spouse must also sign, necessary. Partners must also sign the form.
Nevada Business Identification Number
If you are a new business, skip this and leave the item blank. For renewal, you must provide your Nevada Business Identification Number in your State Business License.
Description of Business
This portion in the form is exclusive for businesses filing for other types of licenses. Sole proprietorship and general partnerships are not required to provide a business description.
Transacting Business Names
You must provide at least four different business names that you want for your business. This does not guarantee that your chosen names will be exclusive to you. This is optional for sole proprietors.
Provide your Business Address
This is important since you will receive your approved state business license in your registered business address. This must be the address where you will operate your business.
Indicate Additional Contact Information
You must provide a valid email address and phone number where the Secretary of State may contact you if necessary.
Note: Your submitted form must include a $200.00 filing fee.
Send Mail
Send the form by mail to:
BARBARA K. CEGAVSKE Secretary of State 202 North Carson Street Carson City, Nevada 89701-4201 (775) 684-5708
Please note that unsigned applications will be returned.