How To Start a Food Truck Business in Las Vegas

Sample Image of a Food Truck

Here is why it’s a good idea to start a food truck business in Las Vegas:

The food service industry in the United States has grown from $379 billion USD in 2000 to 800 billion in 2017 and continues to be a burgeoning industry in the State of Nevada. Given the potential for business and the growing population at the rate of 1.92%, starting your own food truck business sounds more than just a good idea, especially with its increasing popularity.  

 Make sure you have done the following in preparation to start a small business:

Done? Great! You may now proceed to take the actual steps in starting your food truck business in Las Vegas.

  1. 1
    Non-Negotiable Expenses

    The following are the necessary elements that you need to operate your food truck business:

    • Website
    • Marketing
    • Equipment
    • Suppliers
    • Food Truck
    • Truck Wrap
    • Point-Of-Sale (POS) System
    • Consultation Fees (profession and legal)
  2. 2
    Licenses and Permits

    The following items are non-negotiable requirements that you must obtain before you can legally operate your business:

    • Business Permits and Licenses
    • Zoning Laws and Parking
    • Food Safety

    You may also consider checking the following sources:
    Southern Nevada Health District
    Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

  3. 3
    Where To Find Suppliers

    Suppliers are integral components that you need in running your business. The following are sources of information where you can get the supplies you need:

    • Classified Ads online (Local)
    • Classified Ads online (National)
    • Customized Trucks
    • Leasing and Franchising
  1. 1
    Strategize a Food Truck Plan

    • Know Your Competitors and Target Demographics
    • Customize Your Dishes and Create a Menu
    • Choose a Location
    • Write Your Business Plan
    • Secure Financing for Your Business

    You may check the following resources to secure funding for your business:

    US Small Business Administration
    Nevada Department of Business and Industry

  2. 2
    Get a Food Truck

    Find Suppliers for your food trucking business and get the best deal in consideration to your finances. You could check the following:

    You may also click the link to know more about, “How to find the right suppliers for your restaurant in Las Vegas

  3. 3
    Purchase Operational Items

    • Cookware: All kinds of kitchen utensils
    • Product Inventory: Supplies for food and beverage including paper supplies
    • Equipment: Uniforms, Propane, Fuel, and Fire Extinguisher

    To give you a complete breakdown of estimated operational costs, click on this LINK

  4. 4
    Launch Your Website and Market Your Business

    Launching your website helps to build your business, establish awareness, and create a credible image that builds a customer base. Taking advantage of different social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter would increase brand awareness and following, especially when it’s visible on google maps.

  5. 5
    Hire Employees

    Operating a business and making it sustainable while working to increase profit isn’t possible without employing the right people for your business. To know more about this aspect of your business, click the link on “How to Hire Employees for your Restaurant in Las Vegas

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